How to Select & Store Napa Cabbage

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Maybe Napa cabbage (also referred to as Chinese cabbage) is new to you, or maybe you are looking to improve your user experience. If so, this information is for you! This post is all about how to select and store Napa Cabbage in order to be able to enjoy them to their fullest.

(This post is an excerpt from The Produce Nerd’s Grocery Guide, with input provided by Lauren Hitchcock from Hitchcock Farms. You can learn more about the Grocery Guide, which covers this information for 55 different produce items, with input from 26 crop-specific companies HERE.)

What to look for when picking the best quality Napa cabbage?

Look for bright green, fluffy leaves and bright white ribs. A good head of Napa cabbage should feel somewhat dense and heavy.

napa cabbage

Side note from The Produce Nerd: Heads of Napa cabbage are significantly larger than your traditional heads of cabbage, so that is important when it comes to storing and prepping the Napa cabbage. Although they seem much larger, do not be discouraged! Here is an example of one I found at the store recently that was almost too large to grip in my hand for a photo, but this is an example of a great quality Napa cabbage!

Common issues to avoid when selecting Napa cabbage?

  • Insects are one of the biggest problems with Napa cabbage, so look out for any holes in the leaves due to worm damage (and this may mean some are still lurking inside).
  • Napa cabbage is also susceptible to tip burn, so you may see some brown ends on the outer and inner leaves.

Are there any common issues that are specifically caused by bad grocery store handling?

The outer leaves are tougher and less prone to damage, but rough handling and poor refrigeration will cause leaf damage and deterioration.

Napa cabbage leaf damage

Are there any new cultivars that are being grown that might have different quality indicators or common issues to look out for?

There are different varieties that are more yellow than green, and it comes down to preference. The yellow color isn’t an indicator of age in this instance.

What is the best way to store Napa cabbage at home?

Store unwashed in a produce bag in the crisper until ready to use.

Side note from The Produce Nerd: For most all produce items, you should wait to wash them until you are ready to use them. In this case, if you are going to make a salad, or something that needs to be prepped beforehand with Napa cabbage, you need to wash, dry and cut the leaves and place them with the other ingredients into an airtight container in the refrigerator.

What is your favorite way to eat and prepare Napa cabbage?

Napa cabbage is commonly used to make kimchi, but we love it grilled or chopped up into a salad. It’s great tossed into a stir fry as well!

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